It is one of our pillars.
Then we have also two other pillars.
The European Centre for Economic and Policy Analysis and Affairs (ECEPAA) is a Belgian non-profit organization specialized in the fields of research, education, youth, migration, entrepreneurship, culture and social inclusion.
As said, ECEPAA is based on three pillars: 1) managing European Union project. That is very important because helps ECEPAA in having a bottom-up approach thanks to the direct involvement of young people, migrants, researchers, etc. 2) Research: this pillar although to be fully developed, constitutes an invaluable asset since it gives us a first-hand knowledge of the fields ECEPAA is particularly involved. 3) Advocacy. The direct experience with the beneficiaries of our projects and the outcomes of the researches carried out would be worthless if we cannot transform them in policy recommendations to the relevant policy makers through open and transparent advocacy activities.
Founded in Brussels in 2011, ECEPAA implements and develops assistances projects at the local, national and international level in the aforementioned fields in addition to conducting policy-oriented research.
Previously, ECEPAA has implemented projects within the former Life-long Learning Programme (LLP) and is currently involved in the Erasmus + programme.
Within these programmes, ECEPAA has developed and is on the way to developing partnerships with national and international institutions including universities (College of Europe, University of Naples, Venice, etc), Chambers of Commerce (EU-Africa Chamber of Commerce and Belgian-Italian Chamber of Commerce) research centers (IDOS, etc), youth organizations (CESIE, Vyara foundation, Intermundia, etc.), local public bodies (Municipality of Alzira, Municipality of Bruxelles, etc.) and cultural centers (Garcia Lorca, Cumediae, etc.).
Recently, ECEPAA has focused on its research function as a think-tank by producing policy briefs and articles. To that end, ECEPAA concluded a research and published a paper on the current migration agenda and its implications for the different EU Member States. Our team is currently developing social research in the field of Migration and the impact of EU policies.