Transnational Meeting (4 th) – Rome – Italy

Jan 10

Transnational Meeting (4 th) – Rome – Italy

4° Transnational Meeting

Wednesday   10th and Thursday 11th of January 2018 Rome (ITALY)

Venue: ANCI nazionale (Conference room), Via dei Prefetti 46, Rom

Click here to download the agenda


Wednesday 10th of January 2018

Welcome and introduction
– Mr. Luciano Lapenna President of ANCI Abruzzo
– Mrs. Rita Sassu Europe for Citizens National Contact Point – Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities
– Introduction of the meeting agenda and organizational information
Mr Massimo Luciani Director of ANCI Abruzzo.
Short Presentation of partners (ALL)

Plenary session
Mr Luca Pacini
Anci Nazionale – Head of Welfare and Migration Department
“The role and policies of Italian municipalities in the reception and integration of migrant citizens”

Plenary session
Mrs. Monia Giovannetti
Cittalia – Anci Research Foundation – Head of Department Studies and Investigations
“ Report on international protection of Italy 2017-italian municipalities and their reception policies for unaccompanied foreign minors”
Mrs. Daniela Di Capua
Director of the SPRAR Central Service- Ministry of the Interior/ANCI
” The Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (SPRAR). Tasks and procedures”
Mr Ugo Melchionda
Researcher of Centro Studi e Ricerche IDOS/Progetto “Voci di confine” – “ The project “Voci di confine”

– Plenary discussion

Working group ALL
“React project survey – first steps in each country”
Overview and discussion between partners on selected target, methodology, feedback from participants, case studies, etc.

“Handbook for an inclusive citizenship”.
Brainstorming of issues, ideas and proposals to include in.

Dissemination and Exploitation Plan
Planning – schedule for next steps.

Thursday 11th of January 2018

Welcome and introduction
Mr. Luciano Lapenna President of ANCI Abruzzo

Plenary session

Mr. Antonio Ragonesi
Anci Nazionale – Head of international Cooperation Department
“Migration and development: the project Municipalities without borders-Municipi senza fontiere”
Mr. Emilio Ciarlo
Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS)
Head of Institutional Relations and Communication Office
“Migration and development: the italian cooperation strategy and inclusion of new generations”
Mrs. Tatiana Esposito
Ministry of Labour and Social policies – Directorate General for Immigration and integration policies
“A new approach to inclusion policies: the importance of promoting Italian new generations’ participation”
Mr. Si Mohamed Kaabour
President of the National Coordination of New Italian Generations
“Italian new generations: a bridge to aknowledge and valorize the plurality of italian society”
Mrs. Tana Anglana
Italian National Council for Cooperation and Development
“The first national Diaspora Summit in Italy”

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